男女双方亲友团都到场后,大家都纷纷拿起手中的camera或是手机,拍摄下这些美妙的时光。镜头定格在新郎新娘互换戒指的那一刻,一个sweet and long kiss, 熟悉的婚礼BGM再次响起在大家的耳畔,空气仿佛都变得甜了,地久天长的模样,也许我们也能从这短暂的一刻里能够窥见eternity的模样。
我们这一天主要享用了欧式的buffet reception,宴上美食琳琅满目,目不暇接。新郎新娘热情的招呼着与会的诸位人士,新娘子在盛情洋溢的同时,还不忘过来跟我这个好闺蜜搭几句话,贴心之极。大伙全程兴致高涨,百态横生,这对新婚的couple也几乎是有求必应,尽量满足大伙的要求。经过一天的闹腾后,大家终于是酒足饭饱,乘兴而来,尽兴而归。
This was a special and important day for my friends——the wedding day, the most meaningful day to a woman’s life. All what I can do is to tell my dear friend about my deep and sincere wishes to her, wish her and her husband a happy family life in the coming days. And undoubtedly, our friendship will last forever, at least, our blessings and thankfulness to each other gonna never have an end as long as we live in this magic world.