印度俯卧撑:(Hindu Push Up)以标准俯卧撑为基础,双手支撑点应前移至颈肩部。双手撑地,引颈向前拉动身体,由低向高擎起上半身,脚尖触地点不变,然后继续下一个行程完成一个动作。(附)该俯卧撑的英语参考说明:Hindu Push Up is an advanced exercise used in martial arts, to strengthen simultaneously chest muscles, shoulders muscles and triceps muscles.大意是:印度俯卧撑是一种比较先进的武术运动基础训练,同时可以发达胸部肌肉、三头肌与肩部肌肉。(详见http://www.passion4profession.net)
斯巴达俯卧撑:(spartan push up)一手肘部关节呈直角撑地,令一手置于胸部稍后的地方,以爆发力推起身体,身体撑起时迅速换位两手交替。(附该俯卧撑英文说明:This exercise, is a very advanced variant, of the push up. Your chest slightly off the ground. One hand in a vertical line with the elbow, so that the arm forms a right angle. The other hand is slightly behind the pectoral. Give yourself, an explosive push upwards, and invert the position of the hands, before they touch the ground again)详见http://www.passion4profession.net(cheest exercises >spartan push up).